Sunday, November 22, 2009

Three generation family.

Here's a fairly large family photographed outside in Santa Fe. They had talked together beforehand about clothing and color choices and so we can tell the different family groups, a good idea.

Maycee settled down for a few minutes in a nicho in her grandmother's Santa Fe home. She looked delightful.
Janie wanted family pictures and most particularly, a four-generation picture. I photographed them in her lovely Santa Fe home. Here she is with her mother, daughter and granddaughter.
Bob is a musician and a friend, I photographed him a while ago and some time later on I thought he would be a great candidate for something different, so I played around with my favorite picture of him. Here he is, the same person but a bit different!

Monday, August 31, 2009

King, Sword, Eyebrows

Here we have a knight with a reproduction Civil War sword demonstrating his uniquely scary expression.
He is my grandson from Massachusetts.
The props are mine.

Blue Girl

Sophie held the fabric while I photographed her.
The knight above is her brother.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

An American Indian: The past and the present

Photographing American Indians is a great experience.

Here is a magical example - the color picture is the original and the black & white in an "antique plate" style is one I created and Darlene loved it.
What a difference between the 2 of them, and yet it is the same image!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Linda St Clair, artist

Here's Linda; she's an artist here in Santa Fe and needed a portrait for an upcoming magazine article on her.
We took some pictures which included one of her paintings but she decided that there were enough of them in the article.
She's in several galleries around the U.S.

Robbing a train in Fort Worth, Texas

My son-in-law had fun recently "robbing" trains in Fort Worth, Texas.
It was a weekend tourist attraction and the passengers loved it, they got to talk to the "robbers" and pat the horses.
The train was vintage which added to the atmosphere.
(In real life he's an engineer and his horse is named Roper.)

Joan Sotkin

Joan and I updated her business portrait from a few years ago.
She brought along 2 outfits.
We photographed her in both outfits, in different poses, and she chose her favorite image which I then retouched for her.
The digital world has made this so much easier!
What I do is to take maybe 12 pictures, then upload them onto the laptop, and the client is able to decide whether more pictures are wanted in another outfit or in another pose, and so we proceed until the final choice is decided upon.
It works well.

Santa Fe Museum of International Folk Art

The Museum of International Folk art had their annual Market recently, and I was asked to photograph some booths for the Market on the day prior to opening.
Here are 2 of the people who were busy fixing up their booths.
It was a really hot day!

Marketing partners

Ardith and Karen who have been in the marketing business for ages, and have created a new marketing company here in Santa Fe.

Saturday, August 8, 2009


Two brothers with their mother; they loved the bubbles!
We chose a soft background, and the khaki and white clothing blended in well so you can concentrate on the faces.

girl with attitude

Here she is, a delightful and full of spirit girl!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Mothers of Autism in Albuquerque

Back in April I was asked to photograph this group of mothers of autistic children down in Albuquerque. Check out "mothers of autism" on Youtube, and you will see images of mothers from around the world, the music is especially moving.
It was a privilege for me to meet them: A group of courageous women indeed.

A raccoon coat from 1860

I photographed Darlene's husband a few weeks ago, here is one image of him wearing the fabled coat; I have made it look like a vintage picture, something I've done before and enjoy doing!

photographing for Girls Inc in Santa Fe

Back in April of this year I photographed 5 girls from Girls Inc, the picture is being used for their "thank-you" card. We went to a local park and the girls were delightful and fun and easy to work with. Here is the picture chosen.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Photographing Dave

I've just been photographing Darlene's husband for her - he's a cute guy/bit of a mountain man - with his long low sexy black car, inside his workshop, and outside again in a 140-year-old long raccoon coat that Darlene found for him at the Santa Fe flea market.
Lots of fun, and I'll upload one of his images later on so that you can admire him.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Woof! Woof!

I've recently been having fun photographing dogs, with and without their owners.
The dog's owner is in charge of settling and talking to him and I wait for that magic moment when I can whistle and attract the dog's attention; the pricked up ears and momentarily closed mouth and a look of inquiry -- and we have it!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Two of my four grandchildren have dropped by (with their parents) on their way to and from skiing in Wolf Park; they are 11 and 12 years old and a lot of fun. In the past I've harassed them with my camera and now I'm trying to back off and so just pull out a "point and shoot" camera occasionally. So I still can capture their growing up and changing personalities.