Thursday, December 18, 2008

Looking forward to the New Year

This is the time of year I think about the possibilities the future may bring but more importantly, the generations that have gone before. I only have one photo each of myself with my mother and with my father and I treasure them and wish there were more. But it's too late now; they have both passed on. I have realized that these photos really are heirlooms, and I remind clients that the pictures that we take of them and their children are really not for them but are actually for their children in future years.
Keep warm and cozy!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Thinking of Getting Your Portrait Done?

Here are some things to think about prior to getting photographed:
• Is this for personal or professional use?
• Do you want it in color or black and white?
• Do you want a casual or formal look?
• Is this a solo shot or will others be in the photo?
• Would you like to bring your pet?
• Do you have props that you want to bring?
• Consider bringing more than one outfit!
• What time of day are you at your best?