Sunday, November 22, 2009

Three generation family.

Here's a fairly large family photographed outside in Santa Fe. They had talked together beforehand about clothing and color choices and so we can tell the different family groups, a good idea.

Maycee settled down for a few minutes in a nicho in her grandmother's Santa Fe home. She looked delightful.
Janie wanted family pictures and most particularly, a four-generation picture. I photographed them in her lovely Santa Fe home. Here she is with her mother, daughter and granddaughter.
Bob is a musician and a friend, I photographed him a while ago and some time later on I thought he would be a great candidate for something different, so I played around with my favorite picture of him. Here he is, the same person but a bit different!

Monday, August 31, 2009

King, Sword, Eyebrows

Here we have a knight with a reproduction Civil War sword demonstrating his uniquely scary expression.
He is my grandson from Massachusetts.
The props are mine.

Blue Girl

Sophie held the fabric while I photographed her.
The knight above is her brother.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

An American Indian: The past and the present

Photographing American Indians is a great experience.

Here is a magical example - the color picture is the original and the black & white in an "antique plate" style is one I created and Darlene loved it.
What a difference between the 2 of them, and yet it is the same image!